Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Can I Offer?

As we prepare to launch a new church in Downers Grove, I am really enjoying the time I get to spend talking to those people who are considering being a part of the team. As I have these meetings, there is one question or statement that comes up almost every time..."I don't think I have much to offer." I have heard from many whose main worry about joining the team is a belief that they do not have much to offer by way of gifts and abilities and that somehow, they may serve as a detriment to the team. I want to address this belief because it, quite frankly, is a lie that causes great damage. God has gifted each one of us differently, therefore each person has a unique role that they can play in the church. I am excited to see how people's unique gifts and passions are able to be used to help build this new church. Beyond that, the most important thing we are forgetting when we doubt our abilities to contribute and make a difference is the presence of the Holy Spirit. Not one of us has the ability to change lives, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, God uses us to make eternal differences. He doesn't just use a certain type of person, but uses all of our unique abilities, gifts, and passions. The best example of this is straight out of the book of Acts. What was it about the apostles that would lead you to believe that they would start a movement that would literally change the world? But that is what happened because the Holy Spirit came upon them in power and lives were changed and a movement was begun. So the question is this: do you believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God can use you in mighty ways? If we did believe it, what difference would it make for how we live our lives? That is the only hope we have as we start a new church, that God will work powerfully through His followers to reach individuals and the community. Don't believe the lie, but instead embrace the truth that you are a mighty instrument in the hands of a powerful God!

If you are new to this and would like more information about the new church we are hoping to launch in Downers Grove in the spring of 2010, I would love to talk to you. We are praying for people to join us and I would be excited to talk to you about it. Whether you are a Christian or not, let's get together and talk...I'll even buy the coffee!

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